There are many ways that you can you make normal looking food really stand out, through colours and presentation, but how about adding glitter? Over the past weeks we've seen various different examples of glitter popping up on food, with the latest possibly being the strangest yet.
This December, The Fox Under the Hill, based in Shooters Hill south London, launched the UK's first example of glittery gravy, an upgrade to visitors' Christmas dinner this year.The glitter-infused side order can be added to a selection of festive dishes, including the traditional turkey roast, a butternut and cashew nut roast, or the pub's Christmas pie.
Last month, Stylist Mag featured glitter doughnuts on its front cover, saying on Instagram We're eating it, drinking it and wearing it - from doughnuts and cappuccinos to sparkly stretch marks, Stylist explores our obsession with glitter in this week's issue.
High-street coffee chain Costa is also adding some sparkle to its Christmas offerings this December, topping its Flat Whites and Cortados with a limited edition shimmer.
At the end of last year we reported on the emergence of glitter in foodwatching. Read the report here. Not yet a trendhub subscriber? Get in touch today.