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By reading this you're joining over 13,000 champions of change who are shifting the future of food and drink
Here you'll find the latest FREE to access content - trends articles, predictions, infographics, videos and events
From Top Cocktail Bars to New Food Trends: London’s Best, Subway’s New Experiment, and Netflix’s Latest Culinary Hit...
Love is in the air! Can you feel it? Yes, it’s that time of year again, when cupid dusts down his trusty bow and scopes out his targets for an arrow-full of amour. We certainly caught the love bug, and detailed it all in our Valentine’s Day 2025 report. ...
From Michelin-starred dining to sweet treats and Valentine’s Day surprises, explore the latest in food and drink news, including new flavours and services!...
The 2025 Fruits & Vegetables categorywatching report is now live on trendhub. That’s right, our team of trendspotters have been busy identifying all the hottest potatoes and coolest cucumbers in the world of fruit and veg! To whet your appetite, here’s three of our top takeouts from this year’s report…...
Top 50 Gastropubs revealed, Super Bowl collaborations, sharing is caring in the world of chocolate, and more exciting news...