Amazon UK Drone Deliveries Get One Step Closer To Reality

They've been discussed for a few years now but this week, Amazon announced the latest developments on their drone delivery plans which took another step towards reality.

The retail giant revealed plans for its drone deliveries in the UK in under one hour, starting in one location initially - yet to be revealed - late in 2024. This wouldn't be a world-first for the brand as it already offers drone deliveries in two US states, California and Texas, for packages with limited weight, under 2.2kg.

It sounds like there's still hoops to be jumped through, or flown through even, with the Civil Aviation Authority involved in regulatory discussions around how the technology can be used safely and securely in the skies.

if the move was to happen next year it would not only add further speed and convenience to what is already an exceptionally rapid service, but it would also open up the possibilities of other airborne deliveries, especially in the food space. Takeaways to your door from the sky. Small supermarket shops in next to no time. And much more.