Australian Icon Vegemite Receives Recipe Tweak

Synonymous with Australian cuisine for decades, the ever popular spread Vegemite, as been afforded a new incarnation to reduce the unmistakable saltiness which gives it the signature tang which some cannot get enough of.

Whether an occasional treat or a fan who spreads there 'mite thick everyday, the 40% reduction in salt content has certainly raised a few eyebrows, with fears that the flavour which makes it so distinct at risk of vanishing.

The reduced salt version is part of a larger awareness campaign by Australia to encourage consumers to take greater note of their intake, without having to necessarily eradicate some family favourites entirely as a result.

Senior marketing manager, Matt Gray, spoke of its creation: "Our research indicates that older Australians, as well as families with children, are looking to reduce their salt intake." He goes on to allay fears of this iteration being unrecognisable, but ensure that it retains the same"...mighty Vegemite taste, just with less salt."

thefoodpeople recently produced a healthwatching report on the increase of salt awareness, available here.