The Billy Van Creamy ice-cream company has managed to elbow their way into a cheese festival in Melbourne to showcase their head-turning new flavour – parmesan.
The Fromage A Trois cheese festival is more accustomed to hosting cheeses and other savoury snacks, but if you visited the festival on 8th April you'd have found the indie ice-creamery debuting the new flavour mash up with their parmesan cheese ice-cream. If you fancied something a little closer to home on the dessert front, Billy Van Creamy was also offering a mascarpone and blueberry flavour.
We recently covered the whole topic of Ice Cream in our February Australia & Asia foodwatching report. The slide above looks at some of the savoury options which have been emerging in the sector, while the presentation itself looks at unusual flavours, sensory ice creams, ice cream for breakfast, and other niche areas. Read the full report here.
Find out more about Billy Van Creamy here.