thefoodpeople and our very own Charles Banks have been quoted in The Huffington Post commenting on British Street food trends for 2015!
Highlighting how the street food movement which started on the West Coast of America spread over the country to New York before swimming it's way across the pong to our very own streets!
Now British streets are in the full blown grip of a street food phenomenon that has made individuals food business dreams a reality. As well as the odd top chef getting in on the action too! In the article Charles stressed the immediacy & intimacy is what makes street food so engaging and ultimately so popular - it's cooked and served right there in front of you by the vendor, who is probably the owner and create of the idea which made street food very personal!
And as for the predictions for the future of street food...well, it's looking optimistic with Charles drawing attention to our belief that street food will continue to roll, ultimately changing the face of food on the high street, providing an affordable, unique, real food offering as an alternative to other convenience channels.
In terms of what's going to be big in 2015, Adam Layton, organiser of Street Feast London, says it's going to be all about 'thinking outside the bun' and we couldn't agree more...
The Huffington Post - The Best British Street Food Trends for 2015