Categorywatching - Fruit and Vegetables 2023

We've published our latest categorywatching report over on the tfp trendhub, for subscribers, covering fruit and vegetables including herbs, salads, ready prepared fruit and veg, as well as tinned fruit and veg too.

Times are tough for fruit and veg – as overall food prices continue to rise, that extra portion is regarded as a luxury for some consumers and is dropped from baskets (Veg Power, 2022), however, cooking hacks and innovation within nostalgic, convenient foods are likely to drive growth.

Hacks mean more easy, affordable inspiration, such as the viral potato peel hack that uses peel for dishes like french fries and snacks. Relatively affordable, humble veggies like cabbage and aubergine also get a second look with different cooking techniques and flavour pairings making them truly irresistible. As Veganuary ends, the category could play a bigger role within plant-based too.

To summarise some of the key areas covered in the Fruit & Veg categorywatching report, we've listed three key takeouts below. tfp trendhub subscribers can also access the report in full - the link is at the end of this article.

1. Humble Veg –Even the humble potato is -13.2% YOY in volume (Kantar, 2022) as many consumers opt instead for carbs, such as pasta, which are easier and still relatively cheap to cook. Different cooking techniques and dips transform relatively cheap veg such as potatoes, carrots and beets. From air fried roasties through to roasted carrots with tamarind yoghurt to the sweetness of chargrilled garlicky cabbage, it's not so humble.

2. Preservation - Fermenting, pickling and reducing into syrups and cordials are cost effective and tasty ways to use up and make seasonal fruit and veg last for longer. Almost anything is fermented such as strawberry rose vinegar, delicious served as a salad dressing. Plus frozen veg is the ultimate preserver…

3. Fancy a change? The distinctive red wax tip on bananas in Australia lets consumers know that they are farmed in an ecorganic way which enhances biodiversity. From visual stand out with regards to sustainable farming methods to different varieties of fruit and veg such as a Tayberries which are cross between a blackberry and raspberry, a little bit of difference is welcome.


trendhub subscribers can access the full Fruit & Vegetables categorywatching report here. If you're not yet subscribed but are interested to find out more about receiving our regular reporting simply complete the form below and we'll get back to you.