Categorywatching Report - Condiments, Sauces & Seasonings 2024

Our categorywatching Condiments 2024 report is now available on the hub, and this year the world of condiments squeezes every bit of flavour, creativity and innovation onto our plates.

Condiments, sauces and seasonings are often considered supplementary products, used to complement the main ingredient ... but increasingly, sauces and co are taking centre stage as the star ingredients of the dish.

We've pulled three key takeouts from the full report below. In no particular order:

1. Modern Twists: Nostalgia's misty eye sees a resurgence of classic condiments with a modern twist; Ceasar dressing slathered on the new Burger King Chicken Caesar and Big Mac sauce finds its way to tacos, salads & beyond. Aiolis flavoured with twists of gochujang, preserved lemon, curry, and even Bernaise, pizzas of toum & za'atar and even zhug on a schnitzel to ox tongue in tonnato, walnut crema & chimichurri takes a detour through Vietnam.

2. Hot, Hot, Hot: Consumers still prove to be heat-seekers; from tropical hot sauces to 'Torture Boxes' with sauces, so searing with Scovilles, they must be dosed with pipettes. Fermentation fizzes with possibilities with hot honey & sweetcorn with yuzu, whilst sour cherries and rhubarb give an edge to harissa & oyster ice cream, respectively.

3. Umami Focus: The constant hunt for umami results in schmaltz aioli, truffle ricotta with morel emulsion, the return of bone marrow gravy burgers & deep-fried Jerusalem artichokes dusted in nutritional yeast give cheese & onion crisps a run for their money. A dollop of indulgence upgrades the plates both humble & haut; from confit garlic mayo in a stacked BLT to veal tartar toast, Oosterschelde lobster mayo bejewelled with caviar. Fast tracks to flavour call for infused oils & salts, powdered tartare sauce and mushrooms to the world's first taste-enhancing food range!

trendhub subscribers can access the full 133-page Condiments report on the hub here. If you're not yet subscribed but are interested to find out more, please get in touch.