British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has launched the inaugural Australian Food Hero Awards to recognise the people, groups and schools going above and beyond to champion children's health.
Jamie is on a mission to find people across the country who are doing amazing things to inspire kids through healthy food. They could be headteachers transforming school canteens or tuck shops; a community leader who's dedicated to teaching youngsters to cook; or a business entrepreneur who has kids' health at the heart of their mission.
A select panel of experts will shortlist the entries, then the celebrity judges will choose the winners which will reflect the rich, diverse world of Australian food. As well as holding the title (and a Golden Spoon trophy!), each winner will also receive a brilliant prize.
"I've seen brilliant work happening in the Australian food system, from farm to fork, that deserves to be celebrated," explained Jamie Oliver. There are many unsung heroes – educators, caterers, cooks – who are providing deliciously nutritious food for our kids and inspiring them to lead happy, healthy lives through the joy of food. And I'm sure what I've seen is just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait to uncover more food heroes, and to share their stories."
The awards include:
Food Educator of the Year - a real star, going above and beyond to inspire children in schools, OSHC (out-of-school-hours care) programs and early childhood settings through the joy of food.
Food Kindness Awards - the person who has shown kindness through food at school or in their community, promoting the benefits of healthy eating, and/or being planet positive. This could be through fundraising for local food banks, or community classes.
Food for Movement Award - someone getting kids eating good food and being active, benefitting their mind, body and soul.
Community or School Food Champion - for the person or group heroes school food or their local food community and/or multiculturalism through deliciously healthy food.
Food Entrepreneur of the Year - for those who are putting all their love and care into making incredible produce to help kids stay healthy, or those building a business with sustainability and healthy food for kids at its heart.
Find out more about the awards here.
There's also news from Jamie Oliver back in the UK, the chef is launching a new range of 27 frozen ready meals in supermarkets Iceland and Waitrose. The comprehensive lune of convenient cupboard meals includes pastes, grains and meal pouches.