Chobani, America's leading Greek Yoghurt brand, has this month launched its first ever non-dairy, plat-based recipe with its Non-Dairy Chobani product. The new yoghurt is made from natural ingredients and aims to provide the high levels of probiotic while containing less sugar than other non-dairy brands.
At thefoodpeople we recently launched a new categorywatching report covering Dairy & Eggs, and as a part of this looked at the rising number of plant-based alternatives from dairy companies. Read the report here to find out which other companies and products are being launched and consumed.
"We have a belief: if we can't make something better, we don't make it at all. And for some time, we've felt that people deserve better non-dairy options," said Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder and CEO of Chobani. "We've come up with something that's much better than what's out there – a new recipe that's absolutely delicious, but also meets our food philosophy of being nutritious, made with only natural ingredients and at a price that's accessible to all. Most importantly, this isn't a replacement to dairy, but it's a game-changer for plant-based products."
Find out more about the Chobani brand and its products on its website.