The festive period is well and truly upon us, but for many it will be a Christmas to forget or at least one which has seen plans altered and changed on several occasions due to the ongoing pandemic. One thing that doesn't change though is our love for a festive feast at this time of year. With grocery sales at record breaking figures in November, the UK is expected to spend an additional £1bn on food this December.
We have selected three key themes from our latest categorywatching report on Christmas 2020, offering an in-depth look at this years trends including Retail Food & Drink and Out of Home Food & Drink.
1) Comforting Classics
Christmas celebrations are set to be a lot smaller this year, and while some consumers are seeing it as an opportunity to do things differently, it looks like the majority of us will be seeking out the comforting familiarity of tradition. It's still all about the turkey (albeit smaller) ,as sales of turkey crowns and stuffed breast increase. Classics such as trifles, yule logs and even Christmas pudding trend.
As well as tradition, we are also seeking out a little bit of newness. Alongside the classics, Ferrero Rocher Mince pies or a yule log made with crunchy pecans, vanilla caramel and a vanilla mousse centre bring irresistible twists to much loved favourites.
Get inspired - https://www.instagram.com/p/CHe0LF3B6k7/
2) Thoughtful Convenience
COVID-19 has brought many changes to our lives, and this Christmas with social calendars less packed, there's due to be a lot more time spent at home. Many of us are getting used to restaurant and retail meal kits delivered straight to our doors…. This Christmas is no different. From Michelin starred New Year 5 course meals to Christmas provision boxes, convenience is elevated to a whole new level. It's not just about the main event either as brunch and lunch meal kits also evolve, fitting into our different way of celebrating the season.
The freezer also comes into its own with showstopping plant based desserts and lots of party food. With so much uncertainly around who will be joining us this Christmas, frozen food is perfect in terms of preventing waste and making an affordable, premium choice.
Take a look at Chef Tommy Banks's Christmas range - https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0pnjdA5gB/
3) Touch of Luxury
With many office parties taking to zoom, and less meals out with friends, increasingly we are looking to those bigger, planned food shops for a touch of luxury. From Wrights Brother's luxury seafood platters to Aldi's damson, plum and pink gin pudding topped with gold, t'is is the time for treats. Chef led processes such as double smoking and cider curing enable us to enjoy 'out of home' touches in.
After the year that has been 2020, more of us than ever are appreciating those luxurious touches this Christmas.
Aldi went for a Plum, Damson and Pink Gin Pudding this year - https://www.instagram.com/p/CJDravwM-rb/
To read our latest Christmas report in full click here, or to find out about 'shifting the future of food & drink' and to join the TFP community visit www.thefoodpeople.co.uk.