Condiments 2022 Categorywatching Report

Our latest Categorywatching report is out, taking a look at what's been going on across the condiments, sauces and seasoning sector. This latest report covers ketchups, relishes, cooking sauces, oils, seasonings and spices.

Condiments, sauces and seasonings play an integral part in our meals but since the ease of lockdowns, fewer meals have been eaten at home meaning the sales of the category are down 7.5% to £767m (Kantar 2022). Nonetheless, we're still lusting over out staples and as newer innovative flavours come through, spiced red ketchup and oyster mayonnaises are changing up mealtimes and barbecues.

To give you a feel for some of the main highlights covered in the full Categorywatching report on condiments, sauces and seasoning, we've compiled three of the main takeouts from the full article, below.

1. Exploration –There's a regional presence that is coming through – Louisiana hot sauce and Asian garlic chilli sauces can make great alternatives to Sriracha. Lebanese Toum (garlic sauce) which is essentially a mayonnaise stabilised with garlic instead of egg makes a big play.

2. Premium Touches - As we live through a cost of living crisis, sauces and condiments can be an affordable way to bring restaurant quality to plates, again… and again. Chef-led sauces, emulsions and powders bring refined touches, especially when it's a dusting of seaweed powder. Flavour that is wilder and tangier such as wild garlic or a honey and beef garum vinegar are delicious.

3. Healthier – The category may be excluded from HFSS guidelines, however, lower sugar and salt lines with natural ingredients are desirable. Dressings and sauces with functional benefits also trend – think plant-based mushroom Caesar dressing or apple cider vinegar splashed over salads.


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