Established in 2014, Dietitians Week returns from this June 12 to highlight the work and worth of dietitians and to continue to be an annual awareness raising week.
The theme for this year's week will be Evidence and Expertise, highlighting the importance of an evidence based approach to nutrition whilst showing that dietitians are the best placed interpreters of nutrition evidence. Also partnering Dietitians Week is Sense about Science, an independent campaigning charity that challenges the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life.
The week is an opportunity to promote positive messages about nutrition to counter the fads and pseudoscience that unfortunately continues to garner shares and column inches.
"We want you to have conversations with your patients, friends and colleagues about why they should ask for the facts when they read a story about nutrition or diet, and why you as a dietitian have the expertise to make sense of it all," explains
"We hope that all our members will join in as enthusiastically and take part on social media, organise local events and get their colleagues, stakeholders and local media involved. We want this year to be the biggest and best Dietitians Week yet!"
Registered Dietitians UK, RDUK, has organised a Twitter chat to help launch the week, covering Nutrition Truths vs Fads, from 8-9pm this Monday 12th June. Join the conversation by following @BrDieteticAssoc.
To find out more about Dietitians Week, visit the official website.