Dole Sunshine Company, a forward thinking fresh and packaged fruit delivery organisation, have partnered with Bompas and Parr to create educational 'Malnutrition Label' posters promoting healthier eating. The collaboration showcases a thought-provoking campaign aimed at highlighting how people's diets in Britain are not nutritional enough, produced using ink left over from real fruit waste and placed these next to fast food trucks in hopes of highlighting the importance of making healthy choices.
Each of these guerrilla marketing poster campaigns call out how the print more nutritional value than the foods served by these on-the-go suppliers.
In Britain, 3 million people are affected by malnutrition, mainly due to the lack of nutrients in the food they choose to eat. Whether it be fries, biscuits or sweets, stats show that the UK eats more junk food than any other country in Europe. At the Dole Sunshine Company, we believe that good nutrition is a human right, so should be accessible and available to all. Together with food charity FareShare, we're on a mission to show just how little nutrition there is in some of the most popular foods out there and drive change. Partnering with food scientists Bompas & Parr to create Nutritional Ink made from fruit, contextual posters have been launched that contain a higher amount of vitamins than some of the most popular foods people choose to eat.
Find out more about the Malnutrition Labels: Nutritional Ink campaign here.