We've just released our latest report to subscribers of categorywatching, covering what's been happening in the world Fruit & Vegetables.
Our report has identified 12 mega trends, takes a look at the influences on the category, future opportunities and breaks down each of the mega trends into sub-trends. With so much movement in the category we wanted to pull out a couple of the most interesting take outs to share with you.
New Varieties
Fruit and Vegetables are in the spotlight more than ever, as most of us commit to a healthier 2019 with many following a plant based diet for some or most of the time. New varieties spark interest and encourage us to buy more. From new hybrids like spicy tomatoes (cross between a chilli and a tomato) to smaller, sweeter honey nut squashes and even different growing methods such as vegetables grown by the sea which pack a seriously salty flavour, difference is good.
Blurred Lines
As we all look to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables that we eat (and drink), the boundaries between categories are increasingly blurred. Fruit and vegetables take over desserts to the point where we ask is it a vegetable or a dessert? Dishes such as carrot and chicory root tiramisu, chamomile custard, and corn brulee all have a deliciously sweet yet nutritious halo. The black and white ways of thinking about healthy and unhealthy food are history.
Waste Reimagined
Food waste is high on consumer's agendas and fruit and vegetables are no different as we see waste reimagined into entirely new products such as dried watermelon seeds for snacking and crisps made from wonky vegetables that would have otherwise have been discarded. With the focus being on sustaining the planet for the future as well as our own personal health we are likely to see more anti waste initiatives with fruit, vegetables and herbs!
Read the full categorywatching report on fruit and vegetables over on our trendhub here.