Exploring categorywatching - Summer

We recently released our latest categorywatching report looking at what's been going on this summer. To highlight the main points of interest from the report we've pulled together three key take outs to showcase what we've seen happening within the category of late.


Summer 2019 brought record breaking temperatures, yet we also saw one of the wettest summer months ever in the UK. As change becomes the norm, a more thoughtful approach is also applied to food and drink. Sustainable initiatives and plant-based food moves mainstream as many consumers adopt a different way of eating, for most or some of the time, with the planet and health top of mind.

Vibrant Flavour

The spirit of summer is still very much present no matter what the weather! Tropical fruits bring amazing colour and flavour to food and looking slightly closer to home the juiciness of peaches that could have come straight from the garden, scream summer. From watermelon spritzes to peach and chamomile tart, vibrant flavour rules this summer.

The Alcohol Alternatives

Longer days and nights can mean that summer is one long party ….However, this year spirit free and low alcohol alternatives grab attention with Hard Selzers, and refreshingly nostalgic soft drinks such as Strawberry Lemonade making huge waves this summer.

Read the full Summer categorywatching report here.If you're keen to delve further into the topic of summer, take a look at our Sweet and Savoury menuwatching articles too - insight into what's been trending acrossthe menus this summer.