Future Food Update - June 2021

Since January 2020 we have been tracking consumer behaviour through our Future Food Trend Tracker on a monthly basis so we can share actionable trends and insights with you. In the latest report we have recorded volatility in the tracker, which has most likely been impacted by June being the first full month of hospitality being fully re-opened for both indoor and outdoor dining, and as such the novelty of this may have caused other aspects to take a step back. We will however be monitoring behaviour over the next few months to see if any of the changes are trend changers.

Detailed below are the 5 key insights from the June 2021 report:

1. During June we saw heightened consumption of vegan or flexitarian meals, whether eating at home, out or on the go, which may be due to the wider variety of dishes available and a higher consciousness among consumers wanting to be sustainable. We will continue to monitor this moving forward.

2. Consumer awareness of shorter seasonally abundant menus and farm/estate branding on menus retracted in June, but heightened levels of those not aware, but interested was recorded.

3. In June there was an increase in the number of consumers trying a variety of cuisines, which most likely is due to the lifting of some of the lockdown restrictions and consumers have been eager to socialise.

4. For some of the venues the proportion of those intending to visit more frequently than before the pandemic declined slightly, which most likely is due to the excitement levels of lockdown relaxation levelling out, meaning consumers have settled into the lockdown changes.

5. Since some of the lockdown restrictions have been lifted consumers have noticed places are busier, but they also feel menus are limited and prices have increased. However, many like the spaced out or outside dining. They also seem to be eager to return to hospitality; looking forward to being able to mingle again, but they are keen for wider menus, good value, having the option to book or walk in, and of course with COVID safety measures in place.

To receive the full report and find out more about Future Food this exciting collaboration between thefoodpeople and Good Sense Research click here.