Future Food Update - Top 2020 Learnings

We hope that you are safe and well.

Throughout 2020 we tracked consumer behaviour across a number of food service and hospitality related themes, including sustainability, wastage and plant-based.

Although the industry was hit very hard by COVID, we continued to monitor consumer behaviour on a monthly basis, and now from this research we are able to share with you the top 10 learnings from 2020, and also the emerging trends of 2021.

Within the full report we share the Insight and Foresight for the 2020 Future Food Top 10 Learnings:

  1. Comfort Food
  2. Culinary Adventure
  3. Packaging
  4. Locally Sourced & Seasonal Ingredients
  5. Sustainability
  6. Wastage
  7. Plant-Based
  8. Confidence in Visiting Hospitality
  9. COVID Foodservice Drivers & Changes Recited
  10. Expert Opinions on Up & Coming Trends

To find out more about Future Food this exciting collaboration between thefoodpeople and Good Sense Research click here!

Stay safe and keep well.

The Future Food Team