Many health professionals are struggling to find groceries in shops or are working long hours that make preparing meals difficult. In addition, lots of hospitals cafes are also shut, leaving them with few options for a decent meal after all their hard work.
Feed NHS
One of the biggest and best publicised campaign's is Feed NHS. Leon, with help from actors Damien Lewis and Helen McCrory, is fronting this campaign which hopes to get 6,000 meals a day into London hospitals for critical care staff. The goal is to raise £1,000,000 to fund one hot healthy meal per day for staff members.
Slice of the Action
Who doesn't like pizza? The ultimate comfort food is sure to boost morale, and these pizza places are offering up discounts and free slices for healthcare workers. Some schemes even encourage you to buy a pizza for yourself too, so you can do good and eat well. Share A Slice from Pop Brixton have donated 120 free pizzas to the NHS staff at King's College Hospital. They are also creating a fund to give free pizza to NHS staff until the end of the year.
Raise A Glass
And, whilst juice and coffee can help you get through a shift, a glass of wine or bottle of beer might be more temping once you get home. These brands are all offering discounts and some are even offering free drinks. Big Drop Brew Co are offering workers from all the emergency services, and health and social care professionals 30% off on delivery, while "One On Us" allows people to donate a four- pack of beer and a personal message of support to anyone working for the NHS.
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