We're pleased to introduce the latest speaker to join our 10th annual Food & Beverage Trend Summit line-up, Dr Kevin Hall - Senior Investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
You may have already seen the recent announcements of our speaker line-up for November, including Kate Hofman, GrowUp Farms, Reniera O'Donnell, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Dominie Fearn, The Wild Hare Group, Amelia Boothman, 1HQ, Imad Alarnab, Imad's Syrian Kitchen and Fadi Kattan, Akub Restaurant as speakers for our 10th Annual Food & Beverage Trend Summit. Now we're excited to add Dr Hall to this list to provide insight into his world of work.
Dr. Kevin Hall received his Ph.D. in Physics from McGill University and is now a tenured Senior Investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD.
His main research interests involve investigating how the food environment affects what we eat and how what we eat affects our physiology and the development of obesity. Dr. Hall has twice received both the NIH Director's Award and the NIDDK Director's Award, and is the recipient of the E.V. McCollum Award from the American Society for Nutrition, the Lilly Scientific Achievement Award from The Obesity Society, and the Guyton Award for Excellence in Integrative Physiology from the American Physiological Society.
Join us on the day to be inspired and informed, so that you can shift the future of food and drink and turn future trends foresight into tomorrow's opportunities. Register for FREE here.
If you missed out on last year's summit, you can watch back here on YouTube.
Over the coming weeks, we'll be counting down to event day with key attendee information, speaker insight from our line-up to keep you fully in the loop on who you can expect to hear from at the Trend Summit. Plus we'll be sharing more information on additional speakers together with what they'll be speaking about on the day.
If you haven't yet registered for our online summit, sign up now for free - full details on our registration page here.