Key Insights From Our Fruits & Vegetables Categorywatching Report

The 2025 Fruits & Vegetables categorywatching report is now live on trendhub. That's right, our team of trendspotters have been busy identifying all the hottest potatoes and coolest cucumbers in the world of fruit and veg!

To whet your appetite, here's three of our top takeouts from this year's report…

  1. Cool as Crisps! Prompted by both Balenciaga and Anya Hindmarch releasing haute couture crisp packet shaped accessories, Elle declared crisps to be 'the new chic'… and it's easy to see why. The humble fried spud snack is the new go-to pairing to caviar, tartare, sea urchin and more, used to scoop decadent dollops of luxurious loveliness, while common-a-garden brand name bites are being used to season tongue-in-cheek takes on culinary classics. Did someone say, Pickled Onion Monster Munch… Clam Chowder?! Why not!
  2. Gifting for gourmands: Already an established tradition in Japan and Korea, the gifting of premium fruits is tipped to spread beyond their shores – and become one of this summer's hottest trends. With price tags reaching into the hundreds of pounds for a single piece of fruit, these specimens represent the 'best of the best'. Think slow-growing strains uniquely developed for ultimate flavour - from £300 pink pineapples, to kiwis that taste of strawberry… What better way to declare your love, than a bouquet of fruit!
  3. Parsnip for pudding: Vegetable based desserts are offering a new taste experience for those with adventurous enough palates. The natural sugar content of root vegetables such as parsnip and carrot sees them blended through custard, cooked into marmalade, and turned into 'swavoury' caramel sauces. Or should you find yourself craving a touch of retro 80s kitsch, how about a classic Viennetta… featuring celeriac ice cream and shaved Perigord truffle?

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