Melbourne Food and Wine Festival's Legends Awards

The Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Legends Hall of Fame 2022, paying tribute to the leaders and visionaries of the food, drink and hospitality industry, have been announced.

Amongst the names honoured who've make outstanding contributions to Melbourne's hospitality scene were chefs, business owners, entrepreneurs, winemakers, educators and more. We take a look at each of the awards in detail.

Sustainability Champion - Hayley Purbrick
A word on everyone's lips at present, sustainability remains firmly at the forefront of any progressive thinker's mind, also making it a competitive category. That said, this year's winner shone brightly through the work she's done to help effect environmental change in generational agriculture. Tahbilk Wines manager, Hayley Purbrick is driving the carbon-neutral winery towards becoming 'naturally neutral', which means it would be carbon neutral without offsets, very soon.

Food Producer, Retailer, Advocate - Bruce Collins
With over two decades experience in fishing, Bruce Collins has developed an uncompromising commitment to sustainable and humane fishing practices. His catch therefore offers both ethical assurance as well as a tastier, fresher fish too. He boasts top chefs such as Josh Niland, Andrew McConnell and Neil Perry amongst his regulars and he's played a large part in putting Gippsland's Corner Inlet on the map for both diners and chefs around the country.

Trailblazer Award - Shannon Martinez
The owned of two of Australia's most celebrated plant-based businesses, Collingwood's Smith & Daughters and South Yarra's Lona Misa, Martinez has published three hugely popular cookbooks spreading the word on how to eat plants without cutting back on substance or flavour. You'll be hard pushed to find someone in Melbourne who's done as much for veganism and plant-rich diets as Shannon Martinez.

Communicator, Educator - Kirsten Tibballs
Often refered to as the Queen of Chocolate, Kirsten Tibballs is a former Pastry Olympics gold medallist as well as being the founder of Savour Chocolate, a renowned school and retail space dedicated to creating and educating in everything chocolate and patisserie. Tibballs has taught chefs and home cooks around the world, passing on her knowledge and insight as areal education advocate looking to help others.

Chef, Restauranteir, Hospitality Professional - Caterina Borsato
Borsato has served diners at Melbourne's Queen Street for a generation and is an A-grade front of house operator from another era – the lifeblood of Caterina's Cucina e Bar for over 25 years, just as her father was to the original Society on Bourke Street. More recently, Borsato has stepped up her role as a voice for the hospitality community, and her advocacy for the trade in general, while maintaining her passion and advocacy for Italian food hospitality.

Find out more about the full list of legends here.

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