It's 3rd November, it's National Sandwich Day here in the UK! Whether you're a simple ham and cheese fan, coronation chicken, or something more exotic, today's the day to put your favourite filling between two slices and enjoy.
We recently pulled together a foodwatching report on our trendhub, taking a look at what the biggest and best trends in the world are right now for sandwiches. The 'Sandwich Trend' fits into five of our food & drink trends for 2017/18: soothing comforts, king of the carb's, people's revolution, post modernist, and revamping the run of the mill.
We explore some of the movements out there, as well as some of the more interesting and quirky blends emerging out there - how about drowned sandwiches? Or something naughty and nostalgic? Read the full report here to find out more.
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