New from categorywatching - Dairy and Eggs

We've just released our latest report to subscribers of categorywatching, covering what's been happening in the Dairy and Eggs category.

Our Dairy & Eggs report has identified 13 of our mega trends, takes a look at the influences on the category, future opportunities and breaks down each of the mega trends. With so much movement in the category we wanted to pull out a couple of the most interesting take outs to share with you.

Our Dairy and Eggs report - covering butter and spreads, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, cream, dairy desserts and fresh custard - takes a look at the influences on the category, future opportunities, and then breaks down each of the macro trends around the topic that we have identified.


A consumer focus on keeping things natural with an ever keener eye on health is more prevalent than ever. Stemming, in part, from a growing distrust of processed products, we see more and more consumers searching for products in their natural state... Keep an eye out for non-homogenised milk.

Go for Something New

For a long time one of the most common sights in the fridge, cow's milk is no longer the first choice for many consumers. Plant-based alternatives are more popular than ever, but dairy from other mammals also offers an alternative. Buffalo, goat, sheep, even camel - there's more choice than ever to avoid the norm.

Convenience is (still) key

Our busy lives are showing now signs of slowing down, which means that snacking and eating on the go is as popular as ever. The result? Combining a balance of nutrition and taste with convenience. Dairy and eggs fit this trend perfectly whether that's for breakfasts, drinks, snack boxes, meal kits or desserts.

Find out more about categorywatching as a whole service, and read the full Dairy and Eggs report over on the tfptrendhub. If you're not yet subscribed, get in touch to find out about joining and all the benefits to you.