New 'seasonwatching' Content Stream Launched For trendhub Subscribers

We're pleased to introduce a new content stream on our trendhub - seasonwatching, which brings the various seasonal reports from menuwatching and categorywatching into its own focussed content stream, now available for Enterprise subscribers.

Seasonwatching is dedicated 'Seasonal' Trend Foresight – the future trend horizon through the lens of 10+ seasonal events – Christmas, Mothers Day, Summer, Winter and Halloween and much more. From the consumer of the future, key opportunities and mega trends to flavours, packaging and trend application, seasonwatching is packed full of trends foresight through a seasonal and events lens. This content exists to provide a deeper level of granular trend understanding for those businesses and brands operating in seasonally focussed retail and foodservice channels.

We're continually building the content within the new seasonwatching stream but there's already a whole host of content available from 2018 onwards covering Easter, Summer, Valentines, Christmas, Halloween and much more. Discover more over on trendhub - just look for the party hat or click here.

If you are not a trendhub Enterprise subscriber and would like to find out more about seasonwatching then please complete the form below and the team will be in touch.