New Survey Reveals Australia's Most Popular Cuisine For 2024

Australia's love for Japanese food has been confirmed in a recent survey, from a trawl of online food searches in the country. A total of 22.46 million searches were on Japanese food whilst Sushi was, perhaps unsurprisingly, the most search Japanese dish with 7.7 million clicks.

The survey was carried out by insurance platform BizCover, going through more than 11,000 keywords on Google related to the 30 most popular cuisines and dishes from 50 cities across Australia. Following Japanese was Indian, Italian, American and then Chinese in fifth.

In 2023, a similar survey carried out by Hello Fresh revealed Australian as the most popular cuisine at time, ahead of Italian and Chinese. Japanese sat down in seven place, but it's worth remembering that the parameters of each survey are different and as such, produce a slightly different result.

However, the finding from this year doesn't come as too much of a surprise given the prominence of Japanese cuisine across the world today. It's a cuisine we've highlighted in our Cuisines & Ingredients Trend Predictions 2024/25. tfp trendhub subscribers can access this full 64-page report here.

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