Imagination seems to be the key ingredient in the world of pie art, as cooks set about creating masterpieces to adorn their tasty creations, no matter whether sweet or savoury.
Easy As Pie
Though pies have been well loved on both sides of the Atlantic, there is no denying how some have relegated them to the status of 'beige food', suggesting things are too plain to be excited by. No more is this the case though, as a new wave of bakers have taken over social media with a raft of show-stopping pies.
Go Braided
One of the most popular techniques for intricately topped pies is braiding. On their own, braids are show-stopping anyway, but inventive pie makers are interweaving layers of braids, as well as overlaying braids with other decorative features; leaves, flowers, parquet, twisting and more!
Just The Edges
One of the most interesting techniques in pie topping, is less about what you top and more about what you don't top. Specifically, we are seeing lots of bakers play with leaving the centre of the pie exposed so that you can see the filling; but that doesn't mean compromising on the ornate details around the edges.
Geometric Fruit
Of course, the quickest shortcut to a colourful pie is the addition of fruit. But we aren't just talking about the filling folks! Fruit is being used inventively as a topping, and one of the most show-stopping trends in this sphere is geometric patterns made out of fruit - think kiwis, oranges, dragon fruit, peaches and mango.
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