Roots and Bulbs

An innovative health blog, which concentrates on the body's incredible capacity for healing and longevity is just what the doctor ordered.

Roots and Bulbs focuses on simplifying complicated messages given to us by the media about the relationship between food and regeneration, and explains how absolute health can be reached by using vegetables, fruits and natural foods.

Founded by Sarah Cadji who spent a decade in the finance industry, Sarah decided to leave her day job so that she could pursue her passion in nutrition, by studying at the Integrative Institute of Nutrition in New York.

The overriding tone of Roots and Bulbs is refreshing, approachable, open and transparent.

Roots and Bulbs will develop into a physical space in London in Marylebone high street selling vegetable juices, vegetable smoothies and healthy meals at the end of 2013.

The physical store will be using the cold-pressed method which is a unique method of juicing. It is the first physical store that will make cold-pressed vegetable juices in the UK. This method is able to keep all the nutrients, enzymes and vitamins inside the juice, purely by cold-pressing the pulp of the vegetable. Traditional methods extract the juice from the pulp, and then throw the pulp away, which is the biggest nutritional mistake. We are able to make the juice out of the pulp, simply by pressing it against two very heavy metal plates. This method generates no heat, which means the juice does not get oxidized, and results in
the most nutritious drink one can have.

The website and blog is able to connect the recipes, and ideas behind the science of juicing with the physical store which will actually sell the products.