The Buzz About International Coffee Day

A cappuccino to ease you into the day, a flat white with lunch or an espresso to combat the 4pm lull, many of us are in a long-term relationship with coffee. Giving the highly caffeinated a chance to celebrate their love today is International Coffee Day, with many independent cafés and large chains serving up an array of bean based offers to participate.

With an estimate of 3 billion cups drunk every single day, the beverage has become permanently fixed within the daily routine of many around the world, inspiring some to spend their life in pursuit of the perfect bean, roast or brew.

Costa Coffee, one of the UK's largest coffee retailers, has utilised the day in order to increase awareness and improve sentiment of its self-service machines which are located in the likes of corner shops and petrol stations; offering anyone a free drink of their choice as part of the celebrations.

However, the founding belief behind the day itself is to educate consumers to the issues facing those at the very start of the coffee chain; farmers who are facing the pressure to sell at record low prices and thus see little in return for their efforts, with the recent superabundance of crops only compounding this further.

The ambition of the International Coffee Day founders is to establish a living wage for the farmers, pledging to improve the sustainability of the entire industry, as well as the quality of life of those responsible for providing us with our morning perk.

thefoodpeople recently published the growing interest for Boozy Coffee in our drinkswatching report, here. Additionally, we covered the area of Hot Beverages in our category watching reports. Take a look at what's been happening of late in a wider context by reading the report here.