Our latest quarterly reports are out, covering foodwatching, drinkswatching and healthwatching. Take a look at the reoccurring themes that we've identified over the past three months.
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foodwatching - Full automation in stores is becoming more popular; there is a 7-Eleven in South Korea that consists entirely of vending machines. It also has a microwave and hot water dispenser for heating meals and making instant noodles. Read the full report.
drinkswatching - Hemp is spanning both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, from milks to syrups as well as the increasing interest in CBD which looks to go from strength to strength in 2019. Read the full report.
healthwatching - Not one but two chip shops that are catering to the vegan crowd! One in Hackney (Sutton & Sons) has started offering a separate vegan menu, and one in Kent (Veg'n Out) is vegan through and through. Read the full report.