Trend Summit Speaker Key Takeouts - Danny Tapper, Christopher Bothwell & Tom Streitberg

The third in our series of blogs wrapping up the key takeouts from the various speakers at the 2021 Trend Summit, this time talking drinks with Danny Tapper of Beak Brewery and OVANT founders Christopher Bothwell & Tom Streitberg.

All of the talks and keynotes are from our 8th Annual Food & Beverage Trend Summit, connecting thousands of industry influencers from across the globe with a host of insightful guest speakers and keynotes to inspire and 'make sense' of the future food and beverage trends horizon for 2022/23.

Here are the key takeouts from the insightful session discussing the beverage industry.

Danny Tapper - Beak Brewery

Danny Tapper, owner of Beak Brewery, takes us through where craft beer is today as well as the Beak Brewery story, one that came to life during the pandemic. The long and short of it is that craft beer is still continually evolving as drinkers continue to want to try new things and discover new flavours. Although it's not all new flavours that are popular as the industry is going through a post modern trend, discovering traditional blends and enjoying them again, with lager being a great example as a go to favourite right now.

Danny discusses inspiration for their brews, namely seasonality and also focusing on creating beers that showcase the local area and ingredients from it to give their beers a sense of place. And finally, Charles and Danny discuss the positive steps the industry is making to change the masculine image of brewing as it becomes more progressive - something Beak Brewery is passionate about.


Christopher Bothwell & Tom Streitberg - OVANT

The founders of OVANT Distillations Christopher and Tom discuss the trend for non-alcoholic distillations and how their company is creating drinks designed to be drunk like a spirit, allowing people to still have social experiences and to engage but without needing to drink alcohol.

The movement towards low and non-alcoholic drinks continues to take pace and this advocacy for optionality and choices within existing rituals is one that resonates well within the current beverage consuming community. They also discuss what's next in the space that didn't really exist 3-4 years ago, with perhaps a market shake out that will see categories establish themselves better as consumers continue to wise up about their choices and take more interest.