Amongst the various topics and trends being discussed and sampled at our Trends Event 2017 will be sustainability, and weighing in on the topic is Silo founder Doug McMaster alongside others.
Self-described as a 'pre-industrial food system', Brighton's Silo is a 'zero waste' restaurant that turns leftovers into compost and does not buy products that come in plastic containers. Founder Doug will be talking at our event about building a delicious but sustainable waste-free food ecosystem.
Alongside his Brighton location, Doug has recently joined forces with other well-known industry names including Mr Lyan (of White Lyan, Dandelyan, Super Lyan) and Dr Arielle Johnson (formerly Restaurant Noma) to create new Hoxton venue Cub, described as "using considered ingredients and apply sustainable methods to create delicious stuff that does good too."
Find out more about Silo on the website here.
Also speaking a similar sustainability tone at the Trends Event in November is Osnat Michaeli, CMO of Berlin-based Infarm, a pioneer farming service to help cities, retailers and chefs become more self-sufficient in their food production, whilst both eliminating waste and reducing environmental impact.
Osnat will be discussing innovative ways that we can farm to the benefit of the environment and to alleviate the pressure globally on sustainable and ethical supply chains.
Our Trends Event takes place on 8th November at Shoreditch Town Hall. Find out more about all the speakers, together with all event details on the event page.