Last Thursday 8th March saw the annual International Women's Day take place around the world, an event that gathers more and more momentum each year. We took a look to see who was doing what to celebrate in the food and drink industry.
The fast food chain giant flipped the infamous M, otherwise known as the golden arches, upside down on all of it's digital assets online and on social media, with one franchise in California going as far as installing a new sign on site.
Kentucky Fried Chicken introduced Claudia Sanders ... Colonel Sanders' wife - changing the face of the KFC logo for the day.
The brewery created a 'beer for girls' which received very mixed opinion, despite meaning well with a 20% donation from all sales going to causes fighting against gender inequality. The Pink IPA was identical to its mainstream blue blend, and cost 20% less for women.
Although not released on International Women's Day, Diageo's Johnnie Walker brand released a new female version of its Whiskey in the U.S. - Jane Walker in a limited edition run, to celebrate women.
What did you see out on the high street that caught your eye? Let us know over on Twitter.