We're delighted to share with you, the 2nd episode in series 2 of 'TFP In Conversation With', that features people, businesses, brands and entrepreneurs from across the food & drink world - finding out more about why they do what they do, their purpose, how they see the future and how, in their way, they are championing change and shifting the future of food & drink.
Don't forget that the 'TFP In Conversation With...' is available on all major podcast channels including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music and TuneIn+Alexa. To subscribe to the podcast, click on your chosen podcast channel.
On this weeks' episode, we have Dr Chris Low, CEO of Legacy Park Ltd and Anthony Warner, Innovation Chef and Food Writer, Fruition Foods to launch the Sheffield based Sustainable Healthy Foods Accelerator. Chris and Anthony join Charles to talk about:
- The exclusive launch of the Sheffield based Sustainable Healthy Foods Accelerator (SHF) on 'In Conversation With'
- The background and purpose of SHF
- Sustainability & health hurdles and why a different approach is required to deliver a step change innovation
- The Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and its role in the Sheffield community
- The SHF framework for innovation that brings multiple disciplines and industries together
- What success looks like for SHF
- How to get involved in the SHF as a business, entrepreneur, mentor or innovator
Or listen here on Spotify, Amazon Music and TuneIn+Alexa. You can also watch the full episode on YouTube below.
Please get in touch here if you:
- Are a start-up or scale-up interested in joining the programme
- Represent an organisation interested in becoming a partner or funder for the SHF incubator
- Are an individual who would be interested in mentoring start-ups, or sitting on the SHF assessment panel
You can recap all 20 episodes of season 1 over on our YouTube channel as well - click here to visit these.