Prominent celebrity chef Jamie Oliver continues to be leading the fight against unhealthy diets, especially in children, but now another well-known face has joined the fight as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has added his weight to the debate. Fearnley-Whittingstall, not unknown in his food campaigning, is taking on food industry giants to tackle obesity.
So who's doing what?
Jamie Oliver has been heading healthy eating campaigns in young people for years now, with his well-recognised Jamie's Food Revolution campaign directly tackling the childhood obesity epidemic, and striving for healthier eating habits in the younger generation.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, celebrity chef and host of Channel 4's River Cottage series, who joins this fight more recently and his new TV show Britain's Fat Fight hit our screens at the end of April, bringing the topic back to front-of-mind. His campaign is focused on asking government what they're doing about the growing obesity problem in the UK - the most obese country in Western Europe - and seeing what big brands are saying about the issue.
He's taking it one step further with a challenge to see if the people of Newcastle can loose a collective 100,000 lbs in one year.
Both chefs recently teamed up going against members of parliament to present their thoughts and campaign. "Now is the time for an environmental, multi-faceted, mega-pronged attack to protect child health. That means everyone - business, the workplace, the government," Oliver told news sources. Fearnley-Whittingstall added, telling MPs: "We have it seems an arms race with the big food brands competing with each other and backed by a huge amount of money they are racing for our appetite and we are ultimately the losers."
Great steps have already been taken recently with the imposed Sugar Tax on drinks seeing a large reduction on sugar contained in some of the younger generations favourite beverages, but the fight goes on and we can expect to see these two, and most probably many more, campaigning for months and years to come.