In a time which sees many consumers eager to increase their intake of vegetables and decrease their own carbon footprint, the tactic to reduce the total amount of meat consumed by blending with alternatives, is a popular method to meet both of the afore mentioned goals.
Aligning themselves with this tactic is UK brewer BrewDog, seeking to offer mainstream consumers the choice of alternative proteins to contribute towards the overall reduction of meat consumption and its effects upon the planet, have created the Hybrid Burger; 50% meat, 50% plant-based Beyond Meat patty.
Given that BrewDog's establishments already offer totally vegan friendly food, the appeal of the Hybrid Burger is seen to pique the interest of those who are considering reducing their consumption of meat, while without eradicating it from their diet entirely.
The creation is also an eye-catching prospect, presented between two moss green matcha tea flavoured buns, while additionally stacked with melted vegan Gouda cheese, crispy onion straws and a potato rosti.
The trend for Free From and Plant Based foods has already been highlighted by our recent report, available here,
Image @BrewDog Twitter