Gululu, the world's first interactive water bottle designed to keep kids hydrated, has just announced the international launch of Gululu Go, a lighter, more portable version with a sound speaker. This marks a major step forward in the product's interactivity and toward the brand's goal of enabling kids to love drinking water and build a healthy habit.
According to a recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health, dehydration in children can result in poor health, including cognitive and emotional problems, and is associated with diabetes and obesity. Research by the UK Natural Hydration Council found that if children become dehydrated, their auditory number span, visual attention and fine motor skills in school – such as their handwriting and ability to copy text – will be significantly reduced.
Putting the results of this research into practice, Gululu is pushing to ensure that children stay hydrated by engaging them to care for a virtual pet. As kids drink more water from their Gululu interactive water bottle, their chosen virtual pet grows and makes friends. At the same time, Gululu keeps parents informed of their children's hydration progress through a connected smartphone app.
As of end of April 2018, more than 40 thousand units of Gululu have been shipped globally across 70 plus countries including the US, the Greater China region, South East Asia, Europe and other parts of the world. The most loyal users have been with Gululu for over 400 days. Over 30% of Gululu's users worldwide have made friends on the platform and their retention is significantly higher than those who don't have Gululu friends.
Only last October we were reporting on the rise of water bottle use, and the variants that are available to consumers offering different benefits, including for health. The water bottle trend fitted into 3 of our food & drink trends for 2017-18, Ethical Eating, Wellness Your Way, and Health is the New Wealth. Read the full report and our findings here.
Find out more about the Gululu brand on its website.