The chef and founder of London's popular produce-led Modern British restaurant Cornerstone, Tom Brown joins us in November for our annual Trends Event. As the chef behind one of the hottest new openings in the capital this year, Tom will bring his experience to our chef panel to discuss the future of food and dining.
The trends event is an annual gathering of industry names in London to discuss and hear from a host of thought-provoking speakers on trends from the food and drinks industry. Find out more about the event here.
Cornerstone opened in April in the trendy Hackney Wick area under the watchful eye of the young Cornish chef, previously an alumnus of Cornwall College before then spending six years working under Nathan Outlaw, now a big inspiration in Tom's journey. On moving to London in 2016, Tom took on the role of head chef at Outlaw's where he set about retaining the restaurant's Michelin Star, as well as winning an Acorn Award in 2017.
This success led Tom to new adventures and ambitions, and next on the list was his own restaurant. Highly acclaimed, including a Giles Coren review where he described the restaurant as 'out of this world', the restaurant has been a hit and has created intrigue and a waiting list to get a table. He will bring his experience and cooking inspiration to our Trends Event.
Find out more about the event, including who is speaking, and get your tickets while they're still available - visit the event page.