Bespoke Reporting

Do you want to explore those specific trends relevant to your category, project or business? Bespoke trends reporting from thefoodpeople is exactly that – a look at the world of food and/or beverage through your unique business lens.

Utilising our vast and flexible Global Trend Spotting Network, as well as our own dedicated team of bespoke trend analysts, we create tailor-made strategic trends content that is delivered how, when and where you want.

Our Bespoke Trends services can take your food and drink trend thinking to a new level and can be delivered via a range of media, including workshops, presentations, webinars, videos, trend books, infographics and micro websites.

These services enable you to:

  • Create a strategic trends tool that can interface with other marketing metrics
  • Inspire your innovation pipelines on the most relevant food and beverage trends for your business
  • Embed a common trend language
  • Create and distribute tailored and highly relevant trend thinking throughout your business.
  • Once we have this unique insight, we can then bring it to life in a number of different ways:
  • Content access – we can provide you with global multi-team access to bespoke trends content through trendhub
  • Engaging media – we use highly engaging infographics and videos to bring these bespoke trends to life
  • Trends workshops – these inspiring and engaging sessions help you to clearly understand, analyse and apply food and drink trends using real world examples of food & drink stimulus, which can provide the first stage of ideation and product development
  • Food Safari – an immersive real world trends experience designed wholly to bring these bespoke trends to life

Get in touch with thefoodpeople today to begin identifying those key trends most relevant to your business.

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Bespoke Food Trends Content

How could your bespoke food trends content look? Here is a selection of excerpts from bespoke food trends content over the last 12 months.

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