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Future Food Update - January 2020 - January 2021

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We review the key takeouts from the latest Future Food panel, an exciting collaboration between thefoodpeople and Good Sense Research, covering January 2020 to January 2021...

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Cereal, Cereal and More Cereal

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Popularity of the breakfast staple has grown and grown during the pandemic, and continues to make the headlines in many ways of late with new flavours, variations, and more across cereals...

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Dumplings In The Spotlight

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A food that sits across many different cuisines with its multiple varieties, Dumplings have been in the spotlight of late. We take a closer look at what's been happening...

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Pancake Day - What's Going On In 2021

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Pancake kits, pancake boards, pancake cereal! We take a look at what's been happing over the past 12 months ahead of Shrove Tuesday...

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In Conversation With Lily Bovey

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The next episode of the popular 'In Conversation With' series sees Charles discussing climate positive burger brand Ground with founder Lily Bovey...

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