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iPhone App that translates Italian menus into English

A new iPhone app to help travellers and food lovers translate Italian foods and restaurant menus into English has been released. The app, "Translate A Menu – Italy Food Dictionary," offers instant search of over 5000 Italian foods and dishes. A "reverse search" to translate a food from English into Italian is also a feature.

"Unlike other language translation apps or phrasebooks, this app tells you exactly what you are ordering from an Italian menu: the ingredients, how it is cooked and how to pronounce a dish," said Menu Translate's marketing manager, Roslyn Young...

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Roots and Bulbs

An innovative health blog, which concentrates on the body's incredible capacity for healing and longevity is just what the doctor ordered.

Roots and Bulbs focuses on simplifying complicated messages given to us by the media about the relationship between food and regeneration, and explains how absolute health can be reached by using vegetables, fruits and natural foods...

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Krispy Kreme Launch Home Brew Coffee into Sam's Clubs

In an effort to capitalize on the large number of consumers who brew coffee at home and at work, Krispy Kreme® is introducing its signature packaged ground coffee into select Sam's Club locations throughout the Southeast. Krispy Kreme House Blend coffee, until now sold primarily in the company's retail shops, is now exclusively available in 40 oz. packages at participating Sam's Clubs...

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London Cocktail Week 7-13th October

Book the week off work; London Cocktail Week - the biggest drinks festival in the UK - is back and will be basing its main hub in the beautiful Seven Dials area of Covent Garden for the second year. From Monday 7th to Sunday 13th October 2013 get ready to shake, sip and party your way to a fantastic celebration of our capital's unrivalled cocktail culture...

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Souper Challenge!

Progresso® Soup is challenging America to participate in a 30-day “Lunch Make-OH!ver” where consumers are invited to take the Pledge and commit to making a month of smart lunch choices like Progresso Light...

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