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Honibe Honey Drop Goes Into Space!
Island Abbey Foods Ltd., a PEI based natural health product and specialty food producer, has announced that their Honibe® Honey Drop® is going up to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the official Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Snacks For Space competition which identifies Canadian snack solutions for use in space! The Honey Drop, only one of a select few chosen from over 150 submissions, will be going into space as a novel food innovation and will provide the International Space Station crew with an alternative to the liquid honey currently used during their missions.
The Honey Drop was rated on a scale from 1-10 by the CSA. The CSA has given the product a 7.2/9.0 score for organoleptic properties and an 8.0/9.0 score for suitability for space...
London's First Urban Food Week 10-16 September 12
This September, London will feast on the fabulous local produce being grown, produced and cooked on its doorstep, with the capital city’s first Urban Food Week . The week of activities is being organised to highlight the importance of buying and eating local food, urban growing and planting forage for bees.
During the week, restaurants, cafés, bars and pubs across the city will be showcasing dishes and drinks made with ultra-local fruit, veg and herbs from urban farms, and from London honey cultivated in community beehives...
April Bloomfield Comes to London
April Bloomfield will return to the UK this October for a two-day residency at St John Chinatown, to coincide with the UK publication of her acclaimed cookbook A Girl and Her Pig.
April will be working alongside Fergus Henderson of St John to create her menus, and will cook two lunches and two dinners over the course of 30th and 31st October...
Quenchers do-it-yourself anti bottles
Vapur has brought out its first series of do-it-yourself Anti-Bottles, the Quenchers, designed specifically for kids. The Quenchers in four lovable characters – Bo, Lolli, Fuse and Splash – are on a mission to keep kids happy, healthy and hydrated while giving waste the boot!...
World's Hottest Pepper - Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper
The PuckerButt Pepper Company, a manufacturer and distributor of all natural chili pepper products and seeds, announces the debut of the world’s hottest pepper: Smokin’ Ed’s Carolina Reaper...
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