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Linda McCartney Foods Launches New Range in UK

The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., a leading natural and organic products company providing consumers with A Healthy Way of Life™, announced the launch of the Linda McCartney Foods new range of chilled meat free foods. ...

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McDonald's to change their name in honour of Australia Day

Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the date commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the proclamation at that time of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia...

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Celebrate Burns Night In Style

Friday 25th January 2013 sees in another chance to celebrate the life and works of the Scottish Bard. And as with all good celebrations there’s food around to make this event special. Suppers can range from an informal gathering of friends to a huge, formal dinner full of pomp and circumstance...

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Retail Trends - can you afford to ignore them?

Let’s be clear about trends from the start – you must keep an open mind. One man’s heaven is another man’s hell. Cast your mind back to 2012 – who’d have thought gourmet marshmallow, artisan popcorn and hot dogs would have caused such fuss. James Knappett took the hint with hot dogs and now look at him – Bubbledogs was one of the biggest launches the UK saw last year.

Hot on the heels of our last blog about flavours and ingredients, let’s a look at the wider picture and how these translate into products. Taking macro trends as a given – social, financial, health, environmental and political - we can think about consumer trends for 2013 – what are we likely to see?...

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Farmhouse Breakfast Week 20-26 Jan 13

Farmhouse Breakfast Week champions the importance of eating breakfast and aims to get the nation to shake up its wake up and incorporate breakfast into our routine. The campaign is organised on behalf of UK cereal farmers and producers, who grow and process foods used to make breakfast products. 

Experts come together to give the latest advice and nutritional information about why it’s important to make time for breakfast. This year, TV cookery expert and mum of two, Nadia Sawalha will be offering hints and tips on how to make time for breakfast and sharing one of her favourite breakfast recipes. Leading dietician Nigel Denby will be offering expert health advice and healthy breakfast options.  ...

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