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Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2013

Great Britain enjoyed a wonderful 2012 with many unique events taking place that showcased the best of British. 

So with that in mind we would like to wish you Happy New Year in some of the UK’s languages– see if you know where they’re from!


A Bledhen Nowedh Da!

B Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise!

C Bliadhna Mhath Ur!

D Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!


We will send a cookbook to the first person to email us where each is from – in the right order!


Wishing you all a very happy 2013


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Following the Leader?

In an article written for Chef Magazine, our very own Charles gives his thoughts on how a trend is defined. He describes it as ‘an occurrence or series of occurrences that illustrates a product or service that satisfies the need for food and drink in a different, innovative, inspirational or unusual way’...

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The Bread Revolution!

Take two loaves: one, sliced medium white, wrapped in cellophane; the other an unsliced sourdough, wrapped in brown paper. Decades ago the white loaf would have been the beginning to many a comparison and the sourdough seen as nothing special.

Today however, the sourdough is the new best thing since sliced bread. Who would have thought that Britain would embrace a £10 loaf 10 years ago, but they did, and things moved on from there. Once again, slowly but surely, artisan bakers have come into their own again as a squishy white loaf loses favour...

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The perfect tote to carry your baguette home!

So we’ve brought you a special bag for carrying your cocktail accoutrements in, now there’s a bag designed to carry your freshly baked baguette home in one piece! A fresh market tote designed for the pedestrian lifestyle, Sac à Baguette provides an effortless mode for transporting groceries or other goods, and thanks to its detachable Baguette Quiver, cylindrical items as well...

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Top notch fresh vegetable juice in the UK from Vegesentials

Vegesentials,  a new UK-based line of drinks have launched deliciously balanced concoctions like Carrot, Orange & Parsnip or Beetroot, Kiwi & Carrot...

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