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Bakery Report 2020

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In a year which has seen us all seek out the things which bring us joy, baking continues to experience immense growth...

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Deliveroo Offers Clodagh McKenna Table Settings

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Deliveroo provide more than just the food to place upon the dinner table this December...

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Immunity - December 2020

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This time of year always generates greater interest in immunity, but with the backdrop of a pandemic still looming large, that curiosity is greater than ever...

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Halloween, Bonfire Night & Thanksgiving 2020

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Autumnal festivities may have been different this year, but we still enjoyed the time to celebrate traditions and appreciate our families...

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The Next Normal e-Book - Support The TFP Foundation

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The release of thefoodpeople's first official e-book, charting the changes which have taken place within food & drink during 2020...

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