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Delta Partner With Shake Shack To Serve In-Flight Burgers

US Airline Delta is teaming up with QSR burger chain Shake Shack to serve the brand's burgers at 30,000 feet to First Class customers on routes over 900 miles...
Categorywatching Report - Fish & Seafood 2024

Our 2024 Fish & Seafood Categorywatching report is now live over on the tfp TrendHub for subscribers to explore in detail. We've collated three key takeouts as an introduction...
Christmas Sauce Launches A-Plenty Of Late

Take a look at some of the latest festive-themed new product launches, including new sauces from Heinz and Sauce Shop hitting the shelves...
Pizza Hut Introduces Its Own Brand Wine To The Menu

QSR chain Pizza Hut has taken a temporary step into the wine game with a limited edition 'pizza wine', channeling the iconic pairing of pizza and wine...
Boursin Introduces New Dairy-Free Cheese

British food and beverage manufacturer Bel UK has introduced a new plant-based, dairy-free version of its Boursin garlic and herb spreadable cheese...
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